The Player's League

Proudly Sponsored By

don Small
  • A Player Run League

    A Player Run League

    Our leagues are run by its participants, players like you. The Atlanta Decatur Dart Association – ADDA for short - was formed in 2004 by players who wanted everyone to have a voice in how a league is run, how its rules are written, and what changes can be made from season to season. ADDA is a league that is open to new ideas and is run by its players, not a select few individuals - we are a true "Player's League".
  • Cash Prizes and Cool Trophies

    Cash Prizes and Cool Trophies

    Team and individual prizes paid in cold, hard cash and the best trophies around (and the heaviest). Win the trophy and get engraved on it for eternity!
  • Best Dart League Around

    Best Dart League Around

    We’ve got competitive divisions catering to all skill levels, plus an interactive website that is updated instantly so that you can track your stats versus the rest of the league. Make sure to visit the calendar (found in the About Us section) to stay up on all ADDA events and the start of new seasons!
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Monday Night Team League

 Players looking for more information on joining a team or bringing a new team to the league should click the "read more" button and email [email protected].  A new season is always around the corner.  Please make sure to join our mailing list and like our Facebook page to stay up to date on all league happenings.

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Dart Education Information

Never played before or just starting out in the great game of darts? In this section you'll learn the proper way to setup a dartboard and great games designed to hone your dart-throwing skills.

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Thursday Night Co-ed League

Current players and those looking for more information should click the "read more" button.  A new season is always around the corner.  Make sure to join our mailing list and like Coed's facebook page to stay in the know!

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Join Our Mailing List

Stay up to date on all league happenings. We promise to not spam you!
Please let us know your email address.

Please let us know your name.

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Upcoming Events

ADDA Monday Night Season starts soon.  Please get in touch if you would like to joing a team or bring a new team





 If you are interested in starting a team, or would like to join a team, email [email protected]